Calibrate the distribution of the modern climate space.

calib_clim_space(climate, bin_width)



A vector of climatic values where the species is present.


The width of the bins used to correct for unbalanced climate state. Use values that split the studied climate gradient in 15-25 classes (e.g. 2°C for temperature variables). Default is 1.


A ccs object that will be used by fit_pdfsp.


calib_clim_space(sample(0:300 / 10, 4000, replace = TRUE), 2)
#> $k1
#>  [1]  0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
#> $k2
#>  [1] 286 265 263 256 266 261 277 260 257 251 254 280 267 255 287  15   0